RV Consignment Specialist since 1972- PPL Motor Homes
Over 52,900 Consigned RVs sold by PPL since 1972!
- Since 1972, PPL has helped over 52,900 individuals, like yourself, sell their RVs quickly and at a fair price.
- PPL sells over 2,500 consigned RVs every year.
- PPL finds buyers for your RV
- View our list of 4,662 Consigned RVs that PPL has sold in the last two years
Now Attracting RV Buyers Worldwide
- Having over 669 consigned RVs at our three consignment centers attracts an average of 125 potential RV buyers to our consignment centers everyday.
- PPL has buyers from across the country. This year, we have sold to customers in 48 states. Several as far away as Alaska!
- PPL has even had buyers from foreign countries such as Canada, Mexico, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Spain, Kuwait, and Costa Rica.
- Many overseas buyers have learned about our RV consignment program through first hand experience or by word of mouth from the 45 years we have been in business. Others have found our web site and are coming here prepared to buy. Overseas buyers are often here on extended vacations or business trips and want to enjoy the benefits of owning an RV while in the United States while others are buying an RV here and shipping it home.