Free RV Appraisals

PPL's FREE APPRAISALS will help you get top dollar!

  • Correctly pricing your Rv could mean hundreds, or even thousands of extra dollars for you.
  • if your RV is priced too low, you could lose untold dollars; whereas, it could become "stale" if priced too high.
  • PPL's expertise in RV marketing can help you establish the best asking price for you vehicle, and help you avoid the common mistakes of under-pricing and over-pricing.
  • Because PPL has sold over 52,900 RVs, our appraisers have wealth of information at their disposal to help you establish a fair price for your RV. View our list of over 669 consigned RVs
  • After consulting with our appraiser, you will make the final decision on the price at which your vehicle is listed. PPL reserves the right to not list a vehicle that is unrealistically priced.
  • Please call today to arrange an appointment to meet with one of our RV appraisers. 1-800-755-4775